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Short Brief on the 2nd DIN-ECO Hackathon

Short Brief on the 2nd DIN-ECO Hackathon

The 2nd  DIN-ECO Hackathon was organised by Found.ation in collaboration with Fondazione Fenice and with the involvement of all partners on the 19th of December 2023.  Students had to pitch their innovative ideas under the three thematics:

  • Digital Technologies
  • Digital Health
  • Digital Manufacturing

A new element introduced in the competition was that students were asked to match their proposal ideas to specific case studies provided under each Theme.  Also, the 2nd DIN-ECO Hackathon engaged businesses which provided real business cases.

Businesses  involved:

  1. SCS consulting
  2. Consorzio Nazionale Servizi – Società Cooperativa
  3. BI-REX

11 teams coming from all participating universities competed during the Hackathon. 

Project Name Country  DIN-ECO Thematic 
SMART Vision Greece Digital Technologies 
Virtual limbs as pain reliever Greece Digital Technologies 
Intermover Italy Digital Technologies 
Extension of the “Pracuj.pl” application with academic support for students Poland Digital Technologies 
RE-MED Greece Digital Technologies 
The “Online Bespoke Creations Platform” Turkey Digital Technologies 
ROXARM – Affordable Robotic Prosthetic Arm Denmark Digital Health 
VR glasses with a (3D) model of the human body for the training of medical faculty students. Serbia Digital Health 
Anti-atrophy knee orthosis Serbia Digital Health 
Mirror the Future Poland Digital Manufacturing 
Savvy Explorer: The Crowd wise Tourist Map   (Savvy comes from: Safe and Save Visits for You) Greece Digital Manufacturing 

Teams had five minutes at their disposal to present their ideas using the pitching template provided, followed by 5 minutes to receive questions from the Jury, which also included representatives from businesses. At the end of the pitching, the jury took some time to convene and present the results to the participants. 

The winning teams were the following:

Thematic Project Name Country 
  Digital Technologies   Intermover – 1st prize Italy 
The Online Bespoke Creations Platform – 2nd prize  Turkey 
Smart Vision – 3d prize Greece 
Digital Health Roxarm – 1st prize Denmark 
Anti-antrophy Knee Orthosis – 2nd prize Serbia  
Digital Manufacturing Mirror the Future Poland 

The winning teams of DIN-ECO Hackathon will have the opportunity to participate in the Spring School organised in the context of the project in Poland. They also have the opportunity to take part in future training opportunities of the DIN-ECO project community.